Thursday, February 3, 2011

Autodesk Sketchbook mobile for the mobile artist

Now Autodesk Sketchbook not only can use in computer. Since early Desember, this tool can used in Android platform too. Autodesk as the developer has been released Autodesk Sketchbook Mobile for Android.

Finally this product was made for phone and use the same engine as like the desktop platform. Becouse of that, there are not many change for the function and the way of using it with the desktop version. This program has been equipped by a set of tool to create sketch on the Androids screen. "The Sketchbook popularity has been shown that the users of Sketchbook want to create an art with their mobiles. Because of that, we just very happy to offer this product to the Autodesk consumers that using Android as their mobile platform", Samir Hanna said. Vice President of Consumer Product Autidesk.

FireSheep vs BlackSheep, the Battle of Hackers

Every one can be hackers with FireSheep, kind of plugin for firefox. It collect website access datas from other user in a network as soon as they login to none encryption site, such as facebook, Twitter or e-mail through public hotspot.

The risk of that program is completely fatal. Until now, it has been downloaded more than 750.000 times. According to Eric Bulder, the tool's developer, he doesn't think it will misused. He's suggest to all company to immediately use the SSL line for the secure web browsing. GMail and Hotmail has been long transfered to the encryption SSL. And the Facebook has just planning to use it in this 2011.